Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Undecided Droplet

The Undecided Droplet
Originally uploaded by thejaskr.
...the ice stick formed on the side mirrors of our truck... the water droplet on the verge of falling down....


Divster said...

Too bad.. it wasnt a Chocolate milk that has frozen.. :-P

Thejas Rajaram said...

we had the chocolate milk shake later at McDees ;-)

Anonymous said...

Can't decide which is better... the title of the post or the pic itself

Thejas Rajaram said...

thanks samby :-)

Anonymous said...

this pic is really good...

Thejas Rajaram said...

hey Samprita....

thanks a lot :-)

Jagadish said...

sakkathaagi ide pic :).....some of your pics are too good...yaav camera ? i think u've told me this earlier, marethu hogide....